Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to another fabulous school year! I am looking forward to working with all the classes, helping with projects and finding great books for independent reading. We'll be ordering new books soon, so if you have suggestions for books you'd like to see in the library, get your requests in ASAP!

Don't forget to have your permission slip signed so you can borrow books - even if you had one signed last year, you will need an new one in order to be able to borrow again.

Library Lunch will be starting again next week! The library will be open 2 days a week during student lunch periods. Come in, use a computer, curl up with a book, draw, or just hang out. You must be escorted by a para or have your teacher call the library at 3061 to give you permission. Computer rules and behavior rules must be followed!

September is Library Card Sign-Up Month! My goal is to have all the 8th graders signed up for a library card from their local public library this month, and everyone in the school signed up by the end of October. If you are 13 or older, you can do it online and have your new card mailed to your home. If you are younger, you will have to get a parent to accompany you to the library to sign up for your card. We have a lot of books in the P009 Library, but your public library has even more - if you can't find it here, try your local branch. They can even order books from other branches for you if you ask.

A lot of reading activities will be taking place this year - 8th graders will be participating in a book discussion group meeting once a month. If students in the younger grades are interested, we can pick a book and start another book club in the library. Get caught reading at dismissal and you'll get a prize! Write 5 book reviews and get an invitation to a special event in the library. Let's work together to make this an amazing year filled with amazing books.